Trees, built for our climate!

Tree selection is a key component to any landscape design. Spacing, lighting, climate, wind, soil and watering conditions must all be considered in determining proper trees, shrubs, perennials and annuals for your garden.
Coniferous Shrubs
Cultural Practices
Full Sun - Needs at least 6 hours per day.
Very tolerant, can survive in most planting areas and soil types/conditions.
Very drought tolerant.
Like hot/dry locations.
Only some do OK in partial shade. Excessive shade may result in branches becoming "Leggy".
Junipers can be pruned to some extent for form and shape or area restrictions. Only prune 1st & 2nd year's growth, try not to prune the hardy, old wood branches. Pruning should be done in early summer only.
Blue Danube Juniper
Full Sun.
Height - 2'
Spread - 7'
Broad Semi-erect spreading branches.
Bluish/Green Foliage.
Accent or Boarder usage.
Calgary Carpet Juniper
Full Sun.
Height - 1'
Spread - 5'
Low spreading growth.
Bluish/Green Foliage with a feathery texture.
Very hardy and can spread 8 times it's height.
Dry Soil conditions.
Tolerates light shade.
Goldcoast Juniper
Full Sun.
Height - 2'
Spread - 5'
Spreading, Irregular growth habit.
Lacey Texture.
Yellow/Gold color - New growth is bright gold in color.
Great for evergreen contrast plant, mix with green foliage evergreens.
Accent plant and also over rock walls usage.
Mint Julep Topiary Juniper (Spiral)
Full Sun.
Various heights & spreads.
Brilliant green foliage.
Standout plant for pruned evergreens.
Available in a variety of forms. Including Pompom, Spiral, Teardrop & Oriental.
Savin Juniper
Full Sun.
Height - 4-6'
Spread - 5-10'
Upright Spreading - Vase Shaped.
Drought tolerant - Hot/Dry Locations.
Dark Green Foliage.
Somewhat shade tolerant but will become "Leggy" if grown in Full Shade.
Excellent for areas with large spaces to be filled - Mass Planting.
Very Hardy - Even city conditions.
Scandia Juniper
Full Sun.
Height - 1.5'
Spread - 6'
Compact, Low spreading, Dense growth.
Bright green feathery foliage.
Can be used as an accent plant.
Wichita Blue Juniper
Full Sun.
Height - 13'
Spread - 5'
Upright pyramidal shape.
Dense Branching.
Blue Foliage.
Great accent plant, or can be used as Mass Planting or Barrier Hedge.
Coniferous Trees
Cultural Practices
Full Sun - Partial Shade.
Moist soils.
Good winter hardiness.
Various heights, shapes, forms and color.
Most are drought tolerant.
Denser growth or shape prune them by removing 1/3 of the new growth in early summer. Dwarf varieties mostly don't require pruning.
Dwarf varieties mostly don't require pruning.
For perfectly shaped spruce growth, grow in open areas, well away from any shade.
Various dwarf type spruce - More like shrubs
Globe Spruce
Dwarf Spruce
Dwarf Weeping Spruce
Nest Spruce
Accent Plants, Mass Mixtures & Walkways
More susceptible to winter desiccation or wind burn - Keep covered if possible - Snow or light watering.
Colorado Spruce
Full Sun/Partial Shade.
Height - 65'
Spread - 25'
Symmetrical/Pyramidal Growth.
Dark Green Needles.
Moist soils can tolerate.
Drought Tolerant.
Good winter hardiness.
Columnar Blue Spruce
Full Sun/Partial Shade.
Narrow upright growth habit.
New growth, blue turning to a silvery-blue.
Moist soils and drought tolerant.
Good winter hardiness.
Substitutes for columnar junipers.
Fat Albert Spruce
Full Sun/Partial Shade.
Height - 50'
Spread - 20'
Very dense, Upright, Broadly pyramidal shape.
Intense blue foliage.
Specimen or Accent tree.
Good winter hardiness.
Colorado Blue Spruce
Full Sun/Partial Shade.
Height - 65'
Spread - 25'
Symmetrical/Pyramidal Growth.
Silvery/Blue Needles.
Moist soils can tolerate.
Drought Tolerant.
Good winter hardiness.
Mountain Pine
Full Sun.
Height - 15-50' (Varies depending on variety)
Spread - 7-25' (Varies depending on variety)
Stout pyramidal shape.
Fast growing.
Dark green needles.
Drought tolerant and average dry sandy soil.
Mass planting, Windscreen, Accent and Specimen.
Pine Trees/Shrubs
Full Sun.
Average to dry, sandy soil.
Soil can be somewhat acidic.
Numerous types of:
Form's/Shapes/Growth habits.
Number of needles per bundle.
Needles have various lengths.
Color of needles.
Mass Planting/Specimen/Accent areas
Excellent plant in contrast with other types of evergreens: Junipers/Spruce/Cedar.
Scotch Pine
Full Sun.
Height - 40'
Spread - 15'
Bluish-green needles.
Upright, pyramidal form.
Specimen/Background/Mass Planting.
Weeping Norway Spruce
Full Sun/Partial Shade.
Height - 15'
Spread - 20'
Dense growth habit.
Weeping branches/trailing branches.
Dark green foliage.
Super hardy.
Flexible branches take on form of whatever they cover.
Eventual size varies greatly, depending on how it's grown.
May be sold as mounding/spreading.
Deciduous Shrubs
Annabelle Hydrangea
Full Sun/Partial Shade.
Height - 3'
Spread - 3'
Low growing, shrub producing large clusters of Ball-Shaped blooms.
White blooms throughout summer.
Prune off old blooms.
Accent plant or Foundation.
Moist well drained soil essential. (Do not allow soil to dry out)
Common Caragana
Full Sun.
Height - 15'
Spread - 10'
Fast growing.
Yellow blooms May through June.
Very good drought tolerant.
Does well in poor soils and in hot/dry conditions.
Great for hedges, screening and wind breaks - Rural areas especially.
Generally does not require pruning.
Gold Drop Potentilla
Full Sun.
Height - 2'
Spread - 3'
Compact, Dwarf shape.
Small fern like foliage - Medium green color.
Abundant small yellow blooms throughout the summer.
Drought tolerant.
Very hardy.
Golden Variegated Dogwood
Full Sun/Partial Shade.
Height - 6'
Spread - 6'
Bright green leaves with creamy yellow edges.
Broadly rounded shape.
White blooms in spring.
Can prune to shade.
Golden bark, winter interest.
Can get Silver Variegated types also.
Walker Weeping Caragana
Full Sun/Partial Shade.
Height - 6'
Spread - 4'
Has thick, heavy branches.
Small light green foliage.
Yellow blooms May through June.
Various types of Caragana's with heights and shapes - from Fernleaf, Globe, Pygmy, and Sutherland Caragana's.
All Caragana's are drought tolerant and do well in hot/dry locations.
Deciduous Trees
Fern Leaf Caragana Tree
Full Sun.
Height - 20'
Spread - 10'
Graceful Fern-Leafed fine texture foliage.
Soft, needle like leaves, medium-light green in color.
Drought tolerant.
Small yellow flowers in spring.
May Day Tree
Full Sun.
Height - 35'
Spread - 30'
Fast growing with wide spread canopy.
Large cluster of fragrant flowers in early spring.
Small white blooms.
Dark green leaves.
Specimen or screen/shade.
Small black fruit in fall attracts various birds.
Northwest Poplar
Full Sun.
Height - 65'
Spread - 50'
Fast growing tree with broad, rounded growth habit.
Shelterbelts, Parks, Shade, Large yards.
Shiny dark green leaves.
Great Fall colors - Yellow.
Male Trees - No poplar fluff.
Patmore Green Ash
Full Sun/Shade.
Height - 50'
Spread - 40'
Upright tree that forms oval head with straight trunk.
Very hardy and drought tolerant.
Fast growing.
Average moist soils.
Specimen tree for street or park settings.
Yellow autumn colors.
Sutherland Caragana Tree
Full Sun/Partial Shade.
Height - 15'
Spread - 4'
Narrow multi-stemmed Caragana with an upright growth habit.
Medium green leaves.
Drought tolerant.
Yellow flowers in June.
Swedish Columnar Aspen
Full Sun.
Height - 40'
Spread - 7'
Columnar growth habit.
Fast growing.
Very hardy.
Shiny green, toothed leaves.
Twisting Branching.
Great spring and fall colors.
Thunderchild Crabapple
Full Sun.
Height - 15'
Spread - 12'
Deep purple, red leaves.
Rose pink blooms.
Resistant to Fire Blight.
Specimen tree or screening.
Small berries, fewer than most other crabapple trees.
Toba Hawthorne
Full Sun/Partial Shade.
Height - 20'
Spread - 15'
Low branched, very dense round topped form.
Fragrant double pink flowers with white trim.
Glossy dark green leaves.
Showy, small round fruit in Fall.
Do not plant in heavy clay soils or wet areas of your site.
Weeping Caragana Top Graft
Full Sun/Partial Shade.
Height - 7'
Spread - 3'
Weeping branches, growing towards the ground.
Small yellow flowers in the summer.
Good Fall colors.
Excellent Accent plant.